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Recent / Upcoming:

​Apr 7: On the Necessity of Tears (2025) receives premiere performance, performed by Anderson Kurk and Travis Harris, 8pm, MEIT, UNT.


Mar 21: from:/to: home (2022) selected for SEAMUS National Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.


Mar 19: Gusto (2025) for solo percussion receives premiere performance, performed by Luke Gibson, at Spectrum concert, 8pm, Voertman Hall, UNT.

​Mar 18: To Gently Vaporize... (2025) for flute, B-flat clarinet, vibraphone, harp and piano receives a reading by Ensemble Dal Niente upon their guest ensemble residency, 10am, MEIT, UNT.

Mar 7: from:/to: home (2022) selected for CMS Great Lakes Conference, Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL.

Mar 5: At the End of Darkness Lies a New Day (2023) for alto saxophone and piano receives premiere performance, performed by Sam Au-Yeung (saxophone) and Samuel Leung (piano), at Sam Au-Yeung's Master's Degree Recital, 6:30pm(ET), Hatch Recital Hall, Eastman School of Music.

Feb 22: Future Port (2025), an intermedia performance, receives premiere performance, at my PhD dissertation recital, performed by Anne Dearth Maker (bass flute), Victoria Donaldson (bassoon), Agustín Alonso (piano), Colin Stokes (cello), Kory Reeder (double bass), Kelsey Wildman-Stokes (dance and choreography), and Pak Hei (Alvin) Leung (voice and piano), 8pm, MEIT, UNT.

Feb 10: Shitshow (2025) for voice and live electronics receives premiere performance, performed by Pak Hei (Alvin) Leung, at Spectrum concert, 8pm, MEIT, UNT.

Feb 2: Winter stars... fragile, shiny, shimmery (2025) for solo violin receives premiere performance, performed by Yuma Okada, at 24|24, 8pm, MEIT, UNT.


Dec 2-6, 2024: Musical Chairs (2022) for 8-channel fixed media presented at MUSLAB - AFTER, Prometeo Theater, Quito, Ecuador.

Nov 18, 2024: They should have spent more time together — coz it's all about perspective (2024) for voices, baritone guitar and piano receive its world premiere, created in collaboration with Justin Friello, in Spectrum Concert, 8pm, MEIT.


Oct 30, 2024: Undulating Reflections (2024) for solo marimba receives its world premiere, performed by Dominic Willis, in Spectrum Concert, 8pm, Voertman Hall.

Oct 15, 2024: Performing an improvisation on voice with Sampson Li (on saxophone) in CF @ Rubber Gloves, 7:30pm, Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios, Denton, TX.

Sep 23, 2024: If and Then from The Cached Pre-Posthuman Love Dairies (2024), a cycle of seven songs written by Alvin Leung + Udio, premiered in Spectrum Concert, 8pm, MEIT, UNT.

Sep 2-26, 2024: The Super-Duper Hyper Hexagon (2024), an exhibition of nine prints of digital artworks involving graphic scores and AI generated images, presented in Union Gallery Outer Walls, UNT.

July 16, 23 & 30, 2024: Musical Chairs (2022) for fixed media (stereo version) presented in broadcast along with works by UNT composers in the program "Gli Spazzi dell'Immaginario" on RadioArte, Siena, Italy, as part of the Chigiana International Festival and Summer Academy 2024.

July 7-13, 2024: Musical Chairs (2022) for 8-channel fixed media selected for ICMC 2024, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea.

March 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, 2024: Musical Chairs (2022) for fixed media (stereo version) presented in broadcast along with works by UNT composers in the program "Gli Spazzi dell'Immaginario" on Radioarte, Siena, Italy, for 24 hours on each day.

February 23, 2024: from:/ to: home (2022) for fixed media and video announced as one of the winners of SCI Super Regional Winter Mixtape call for works.

February 15, 2024: Imaginary Boyfriend (2024): an intermedia monodrama for voice, electronics, video and theatrics, premiered by Alvin Leung, 8pm, MEIT, UNT.

February 13, 2024: Melancholie (2018, rev. 2024) for piano trio received a reading by Merz Trio in Merz Trio Reading Session, 2:30pm, Voertman Concert Hall, UNT.

February 12, 2024: Shadow Emerges at the End of Endless Darkness (2023) for piano and live electronics premiered by Alvin Leung in Spectrum concert, 8pm, MEIT, UNT. 

Febuary 5, 2024: Flannel (2023) premiered on The Patchwork Suite podcast, WGTE, FM 91, Toledo, Ohio. Also available at This piece is a fixed media piece based on piano recordings by Chun-Syuan Wei.

January 27, 2024: from:/to: home (2022) presented at Electric LaTex Festival 2024, Music and Dramatic Arts - Black Box Studio, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.

January 9, 2024: Streamscape (2023) for saxophone quartet performed by Hippocrene Saxophone Quartet, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.


November 7-10, 2023: from:/to: home (2022) presented at the 6th International Symposium of New Music (SiMN), Cruitiba, Parana, Brazil.

October 28, 2023: Streamscape (2023) for saxophone quartet premiered by Hippocrene Saxophone Quartet at the 2023 CMS National Conference, Marriott Dadeland, Miami, FL.

October 27, 2023: from:/to: home (2022) presented at the 7th Research on Contemporary Composition (ROCC) conference, University of North Georgia, GA; also presented virtually on YouTube.

October 6, 2023: Infinity Net (2020) presented at MUSLAB 2023, Anthropological Museum of Contemporary Art, Guayaquil City, Ecuador.

October 5, 2023: Awakening, or Dreaming, as Chuang Tzu, or a Butterfly (2023) performed at the International Review of Composers, 8:00PM, Students Cultural Center, Big Hall, Belgrade, Serbia.

September 25, 2023: Shift (2023) premiered in Spectrum Concert, 8:00pm, MEIT, UNT.

September 18, 2023: Matter? #feelthevibrations (2023) premiered in Composers Forum @ Rubber Gloves, performed by Alvin Leung, Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios, Denton, TX.

August 5-20, 2023: Participated in Darmstadt Summer Course, in Darmstadt, Germany.

July 5-14, 2023: Participated in VIPA Festival, in Valencia, Spain. Hyperbolic Pyrotechnic Acrobatics (2023) premiered by Mivos Quartet.


June 24, 2023: Distance (2023) for flute, clarinet and piano premiered by Ensemble Fioritura in Modern Sound of Winds II: More Local Voices, 7:30pm, 6/F Recital Hall, Congragation House, Hong Kong.


June 16, 2023: Wooden Heart (2019) for baritone and piano performed by Henry Tin Hang Hung and Alvin Leung, as part of Die Un/trennbaren recital. Magdalen College Grove Auditorium, ​Oxford, UK.


June 6-11, 2023: Participating in June in Buffalo. Awakening, or Dreaming, as Chuang Tzu, or a Butterfly performed by Haeyeun Jeun, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.


April 25, 2023: Surrender (2022) for flute, cello and piano received a premiere performance by Anne Maker (flute), Colin Stokes (cello) and Alvin Leung (piano) at Spectrum Concert, 8pm, Voertman Hall, UNT.


April 24, 2023: Elegiac Ecstatic (2023) for orchestra received a reading by UNT Concert Orchestra, 12:15pm, Winspear Performance Hall, UNT.


April 18, 2023: Obsessively Glittery (2023) for two toy piano received a premiere performance by Willyn Whiting and Alvin Leung as part of UNT Composers Forum show, 8pm at Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studio, Denton, TX.


April 10, 2023: Streamscape (2023) for saxophone quartet received a reading by the Pyxis Quartet, 7pm, MEIT, UNT.

April 1, 2023: from:/to: home (2022) presented at AV@CMU, "By the Way of Rhythms," Kresge Theatre, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.

March 27, 2023: November Night (2022) for solo harp premiered by Gabrielle Logan. 8pm, MEIT, UNT, Denton, TX.

March 20, 2023: Suffocating Sweetness (2020) for solo clarinet performed by Brooke Miller in Spectrum concert, 8pm, Recital Hall, UNT, Denton, TX.

March 10-11, 2023: Awakening, or Dreaming, as Chuang Tzu, or a Butterfly (2021) for solo piano receives a performance by Cole Burger in College Music Society Great Lakes Regional Conference, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH.

February 20, 2023: Variations on the Evolution of the Sky (2023) for stereo fixed media receives its premiere in Spectrum Concert, 8pm, MEIT, UNT, Denton, TX.

February 13, 2023: To the Arrival of Winter (2016, rev. 2022) for solo piano receives its premiere by Jihye Chang at 8pm, Voertman Hall, UNT, Denton, TX.


December 4-6, 2022: Infinity Net (2020) included in listening room, SONIC MATTER Festival, Zürich, Switzerland. 

November 28, 2022: Three Poisons (2022) will receive a reading by UNT Symphony Orchestra, 2:15pm, Murchison Performance Art Center, UNT.


November 26, 2022: Marshmallow Dusktime (2022) to be performed by Duo Antwerp virtually as part of Hong Kong Contemporary Music Festival: Global Delights, organized by Hong Kong Composers' Guild.

November 6, 2022: from:/to: home (2022) for video and stereo fixed media, created in collaboration with media artist Jae-Eun Suh, will be premiered at Lumia Musica 2022. 8pm, MEIT, UNT.

October 3, 2022: Musical Chairs (2022) for 8-channel fixed media to be premiered at Spectrum Concert, 8pm, MEIT, UNT, TX.

September 21, 2022: And All That Jazz Hands... (2022) for rubber gloves to be premiered at Composers Forum at Rubber Gloves 2, Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studio, Denton, TX.

June 27 - July 1, 2022: Joined this year's SPLICE Institute. Plus-minus-two To Infinity (2022) for shō, soprano saxophone and live electronics premiered by Wesley Shen and Justin Massey.


April 22-23, 2022: Infinity Net (2020) for stereo fixed media presented at Electronic Music Midwest, Lewis University, Chicago, IL.


April 18, 2022: Tyrannical Typhoon (2022) for baritone saxophone premiered by Alvin Wong at his Master's recital, Bienen School of Music, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

April 11, 2022: In the Name of Peace (2020) for flute performed by Alaina Clarice in Spectrum Concert, at 8pm CST, Voertman Hall, College of Music, UNT.

April 3, 2022: Ashes of Memories (2022) for organ premiered by Ryan Giraldi in 24|24 concert, at 2pm CST. Livestream of prerecorded video available at Watchparty in the Spec's Courtyard, College of Music, UNT.

March 21, 2022: Awakening, or Dreaming, as Chuang Tzu, or a Butterfly (2021) will be premiered by pianist Chun-Syuan Wei in Spectrum Concert, at 8pm CST, Recital Hall, College of Music, UNT.


March 15, 2022: Three Poisons (2020) will be read by the Toledo Symphony Orchestra in their reading session organized by BGSU College of Musical Arts, supported by BGSU Composition Studio and MACCM.

February 28, 2022: Infinity Net (2020) for stereo fixed media will be presented in Music Now, MEIT, UNT.


December 18, 2021: Sway and Swirl in the Saha World (2020) will be premiered by Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra at "With New Tunes, We Connect" concert, at HKCO Recital Hall, 8 p.m. HKT. The concert will also be live streamed.

December 6, 2021: Hazy Moonlight Night (2021) to be premiered by Rosetta Contemporary Ensemble at their Chamber Concert, organized by Hong Kong Composers' Guild, 8pm HKT, Online.

November 5, 2021: Cyclic Hiatus (2021) for piano, fixed media and dance, in collaboration with choreographer Katie Gutmann and cast, will be performed at UNT Dance Collaboration Concert, 8:00pm, MEIT, UNT.

October 30, 2021: Infinity Net (2020) for fixed media presented at ROCC 2021, University of North Georgia.

October 29, 2021: A Baby's Breath of Fresh Air (2020) for voice and live electronics performed by J Andrew Smith at CEMi Graduate Symposium, 8:00pm, MEIT, UNT.

October 25, 2021: Marshmallow Dusktime (2021) will be performed by Kendra Sachs (bass clarinet) and Carl Galarroza (marimba) at Spectrum Concert, 8:00pm, Recital Hall, UNT.

September 27, 2021: Infinity Net (2021) first presented live at Spectrum Concert, 8:00pm, MEIT, UNT.

July 25-31 2021: Terror Unraveled... Love Undefended. (2019) for fixed media selected for ICMC 2021 listening room, Online.

June 28 - July 2, 2021: SPLICE Festival 2021, online.

June 14-27, 2021: Longy's Divergent Studio. Marshmallow Dusktime (2021) for bass clarinet and marimba will be premiered by Transient Canvas on June 22, 7:30p.m. EST. Sings Mary-ly (2021) for mezzo-soprano and flute will be premiered by Nmesoma Ogbuani and Blair Mothersbaugh on June 23, 7:30p.m., both in Edward M. Pickman Hall, Longy School of Music.

May 9, 2021: A Baby's Breath of Fresh Air (2020) for voice and live electronics programmed for SCI Online National Conference, Concert 12.

April 29, 2021: Manipul(able) (2021) for gestures and fixed media available online.

April 24-25, 2021: A Baby's Breath of Fresh Air (2020) for voice and live electronics programmed for National Student Electronic Music Event 2021, online, hosted by Ithaca College.

April 16, 2021: Snowy Sunny Sidewalk for early-intermediate piano premiered by Sahana Amara online at Fresh Inklings 2021, organized by Praecepta and MTNA, BGSU.

April 14, 2021: Nocturnal Angels (2020), a micro-opera for 3 singers and piano recorded and premiered online. The project is organized by BGSU Opera Theater, and supported by BGSU Voice and Composition Studios.

February 27, 2021: A Mystical Maze (2021) for piccolo, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, horn, trumpet and trombone launched by Albireo New Music Collective, online. 

February 15, 2021: I Am Washing My Hands In A Room (2021) featured in "COVID-19 Stories", an online archived collection of BGSU University Libraries.

February 7, 2021: The Baby Duck In You Has Lived (2021) premiered by Hila Zamir in Praecepta's 24/24, Bryan Hall, BGSU.

January 26, 2021: Magic Mirror recorded by Flat 13 in "Music Buffet 2.0", organized by Wu Yee Sun College, CUHK, and streamed online:

January 3, 2021: "I Am Sitting In A Practice Room" Online Birthday Party and Music Sharing:


December 12, 2020: Rain Fragments (是,你還是害怕忘記想起來了) (2020) for SATB a cappella and beatboxing will be premiered virtually, by Resonance (留聲樂團), in Hong Kong Contemporary Music Festival: Asian Delights, organized by Hong Kong Composers' Guild. More details:

December 6, 2020: Post-Apocalyptic Dawning for voice and electronics public online premiere at Arts, Letters and Numbers Creative Music Online Festival Concert at 2:30 E.T. A collaborative improvisation entitled Untitled (Take 7) will also be featured. Link: 

December 1-5, 2020: Escalating Ecstasy (2020) for MIDI keyboard and live electronics featured in ArtsX, an event supported by the Ohio Arts Council, and through it the National Endowment for the Arts, The Ethnic Cultural Arts Program, BGSU's Arts programs, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Provost's Office.

November 6, 2020: Reading of Anyone Here? (2020) by Rhythm Method String Quartet, Online, organized by BGSU CMA Composition Department.

November 3, 2020: Escalating Ecstasy for MIDI keyboard and electronics premiered by myself at Composers' Forum in Bryan Recital Hall, BGSU. Livestream link:

October 21, 2020: Performing Ligeti's Musica Ricerata, I-III, at BGSU Praecepta Fall Concert, Bryan Recital Hall. Livestream link:

October 8, 2020: Muted World (2020) for solo piano will be premiered by Humay Gasimzade at Composers' Forum in Bryan Recital Hall, BGSU. Livestream link:

September 25, 2020: Between the Virtual and the Actual (2018) for Chinese plucked strings and percussion is selected as one of the featured pieces in Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra's "Music from the Heart" 20th anniversary


August 26, 2020: Infinity Net (2020) for fixed media included in SCI Summer Student Mixtape 2020.

August 11, 2020: In the Name of Peace (2020) and Suffocating Sweetness (2020) added to UCLA Open Access Publications Library.

July 24, 2020: Swing and Swirl in the Saha World (娑婆中婆娑) (2020) for 38-player Chinese ensemble selected for Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Net Festival.

July 13 - August 2, 2020: Participating in Creative Music Online, organized by Arts Letters & Numbers. Post-Apocalyptic Dawning (2020) for multi-track voice and electronics premiered by Daisy Press.

June 26 - July 26, 2020: I Am Washing My Hands In A Room (2020) and Suffocating Sweetness (2020) featured in Art in the Park 2020 (online edition), organized by the Bowling Green Arts Council, OH.

June 15-27, 2020: Charlotte New Music Festival (online edition). with Vespertine Visions (2020) premiered by Duo Zonda on June 23, and Instinctive Movement (2020) premiered by Ryan Ash on June 19.

June 20: In the Name of Peace (2020) premiered online by Wong Ka Wing. 

May 4, 2020: I Am Washing My Hands In A Room (2020) featured in Arts Letters & Numbers' Virtual Event, "Letter for Others".

April 22, 2020: Livestream of a video recording of Wooden Heart (2019), on Earth Day Art Model, organized by Indiana University, IN.​

March 8, 2020, 4:00 p.m.: Premiere of Suffocating Sweetness (2020) for clarinet solo by Jacob Wolf at Praecepta's 24/24 Concert, Conrad Room, Wolfe Center, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH. I also performed The Baby Duck in You Has Died (2020) for piano and live electronics by Ben Damann.


December 12, 2019, 8:00 p.m.: Playing of Terror Unraveled... Love Undefended. (2019) at the Music Tech I Concert, Bryan Recital Hall, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH.

November 15, 2019, 8:00 p.m.: Performance of Wooden Heart (2019) by Lucas Lourenco at the Composers' Forum Concert, Bryan Recital Hall, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH.

July 8, 2019, 8:00 p.m.: Performance of Unconnected Call (2018) at Jodie Poon's graduation concert, Lee Hysan Concert Hall, CUHK, Hong Kong.

June 28, 2019, 8:00 p.m.: Performance of Gulu Guru (2019) at Kuce To's graduation concert, Lee Hysan Concert Hall, CUHK, Hong Kong.

June 27, 2019, 8:00 p.m.: Performance of various works (including the premiere of Flyer II (2019)) at my graduation concert, Lee Hysan Concert Hall, CUHK, Hong Kong.

June 2, 2019, 2:00 p.m.: Reading of Nill and Void (2019) at the CASH Music X Hon Chi-fun Reading Session, Asian Society Hong Kong Center, Hong Kong.

April 30, 2019, 7:30 p.m.: Performance of Prelude to the Afternoon of a Nerd (2019) by the Stellar Trio at the Ensemble-in-Residence Concert, Lee Hysan Recital Hall, CUHK, Hong Kong.

March 8, 2019, 8:00 p.m.: Performance and live recording of Lake Ad Excellentiam Sketch (2019) by the Joint-Music Association and Anthony Wah at the Musical Convergence Concert II organized by the Hong Kong Composers' Guild, RTHK Studio 1, Hong Kong.

March 1, 2019, 6:30 p.m.: Permiere of Lake Ad Excellentiam Sketch (2019) by the Joint-Music Association and Anthony Wah at the Musical Convergence Concert I organized by the Hong Kong Composers' Guild, Chung Chi Chapel, CUHK, Hong Kong.

©2025 by Pak Hei Leung. All rights reserved.

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